working papers
Two-sided Search in International Markets with Jonathan Eaton, Jim Tybout, and Daniel Xu (revision requested at the Journal of Political Economy)
A Search and Learning Model of Export Dynamics with Jonathan Eaton, Marcela Eslava, C.J. Krizan, and Jim Tybout
Gains from Trade and the Food Engel Curve with Farid Farrokhi and Chong Xiang
Immigrants and the Benefits of Urban Experience with Jesper Hybel and Ismir Mulalic
Welfare spillovers with Elira Kuka and Claudio Labanca
Root Growing and Path Dependence in Location Choice: Evidence from Danish refugee placements with Farid Farrokhi Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2024
Job Match and Housing Tenure with Ed Coulson and Walter D'Lima Real Estate Economics, 2022
The Self-Perpetuating Student Loan Debt Crisis | Python simulation file, Economics Bulletin, 2020
Wage Inequality and the Location of Cities | Replication files (4.6 GB) with Farid Farrokhi, Journal of Urban Economics, 2019
Job-to-Job Transitions, Sorting, and Wage Growth with Annaig Morin, Labour Economics, 2018
Winners and Losers from an Announced Excise Tax Hike: Tesla in Denmark with Marcus Asplund, Chandler Lutz, and Gyorgy Paizs, Applied Economics, 2018
Conspicuous Consumption in the United States and China Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016
research in progress
- Gentrification Spillovers from Public Housing with Ismir Mulalic and Filip Sangild
- Coworker networks and career progression with Janjala (Pom) Chirakijja, Claudio Labanca, and Yves Zenou
- Compulsory auctions and the hold out problem with Wen-Tai Hsu, Tommy Leung, and Wen-Chi Liu